MRI Friday the 13th

Hi, friends.

This morning I had an MRI at UW Medical Center, followed by a meeting with my neruo-oncologist Dr. Tresa McGranahan. The bottom line is that the 3 contrast areas from the prior MRI have grown slightly, appearing to be some mix of scar tissue and cancer growth. Thankfully this is not working into new areas, but the chemotherapy prescription I’ve used to date (Temodar) doesn’t seem to be very effective. As such, I’ll be switching to a different medication (Gleostine) on Tuesday, and at end of April I’ll get another MRI to hopefully confirm it has better results.

This morning I also had another language test showing me 80 simple drawings with four seconds to identify each one. I identified 90 percent which is better than expected and confirms my language ability is still very much intact, despite occasional word misses — that’s good news.

Thanks for your support, and stay healthy!